News and what Team Møller
​has accomplished each autumn/winter

Year 2024/2025:

  • ​Approximately 40 sites have been renovated this year (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new batch of grass sown).
  • In 2025, another era comes to an end as the coin-operated machines in our restrooms will be taken down. The days of finding and inserting coins are over. Therefore, all rooms will receive brand new mixer taps and showers, and the hot water will instead be included in the price. 

  • Lights along the roads in the southern part of the site. 

  • Investing in new washing machines and dryers.

Year 2023/2024:

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  • A new pool is being built, a huge project where the entire area is being expanded and renewed.

Year 2022/2023:

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  • Approximately 20 sites are being renovated (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new batch of grass sown).
  • New, larger terraces are being built on the four 25m² cabins with toilets. 

  • This winter is spent installing a new electrical system throughout the site. With this, we are considering the environment, and it will be much more practical for our guests, as they will only pay for what they use. 

  • Lights along the roads on the northern part of the site. 

  • We are building a dog bath.

Year 2021/2022:

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  • Approximately 15 sites are being renovated (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new batch of grass sown).
  • All our buildings are being painted the same color, creating a cohesive look among the structures. 

  • Huge m3 tanks are being buried for the upcoming pool project. 

  • A new technical room is being constructed, along with an extension of the storage room and a covered area outside the service building by the pool. 

  • New, larger terraces are being built on the six 25m² cabins with toilets and baths. 

  • A new roof is being laid on the entire service building by the pool. 

  • New refrigerators in all the 20 x 15m² cabins.

Year 2020/2021:

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  • Approximately 20 sites are being renovated (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new round of grass sown).
  • We are implementing online booking. 

  • We are relocating two of the 15m² cabins. 

  • Renovation of the service building, furthest to the south. 

  • Creating a new cleaning room by the "twin" service building.

Year 2019/2020:

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On January 1, 2020, Gitte and Morten became the sole owners of Møllers Dueodde Camping.

  • Approximately 20 sites are being renovated (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new round of grass sown).
  • The wall between the reception and the store is being torn down, and the store is being renovated.
  • A new climbing frame is being installed at the playground.
  • All plots/sites are being divided and numbered.​

Year 2018/2019:

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  • Approximately 10 sites are being renovated (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new round of grass sown).
  • Here, the last 5 luxury cabins are being built. 

  • Part of the forest around the site is being cut down, with an eye on forest renewal. 

  • Invested in a new bouncing pillow measuring 10 x 10 meters.

Year 2017/2018:

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  • Approximately 10 sites are being renovated (the grass scraped off, the soil turned over, new soil added, and a new round of grass sown).
  • The first 5 luxury cabins are being built here, designed and constructed by Morten himself, with significant help from his father.

Year 2017

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On February 1, 2017, Gitte, Morten, and their children Daniel, Nanna, and Emma became part of Møllers Dueodde Camping as the 3rd generation of the campsite.

  • During this time, we managed to create a new area with tiles and fencing in front of the reception and store.
  • We also replaced the roof on the southern service building and the TV room.​

What do our guests think?​

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 74 reviews from Facebook and 411 reviews from Google.

Højt anbefalet

Meget flot campingplads, dejligt flot personale.

Vi er tilbage takket være Gitte Claus og Morten. 

Hilsner fra Østrig.

Harry Naumayer​

Næste år er vi her igen

En af de bedste campingpladser, vi kender.
​Fedt sted! Stille på trods af mange børn, da pladslayoutet er perfekt. Rene sanitære faciliteter, pool, sauna, minigolf, tv osv.

Gerald Jette

Fantastisk campingplads

Det bedste! Siden vi var 10 år, har vi været gæster ... nu kører den næste generation allerede.
​Vi ser frem til denne sommer ... for 20. gang!

Pauline Westermannn

Smuk campingplads

Måske den smukkeste campingplads, vi nogensinde har været på. 

Og så de omgivelser!

Solvor Skreden

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Experience Bornholm's best beach and comfortable cabins! Tents, campers, and caravans welcome. Camping with a dog? No problem!

Bring your bike and enjoy an active holiday in beautiful natural surroundings.

Møllers Dueodde Camping ApS

Duegårdsvej 2, DK- 3730 Nexø

See Googlemap for directions

+45 56 48 81 49